Wednesday, 22 April 2020

BSB DW Weekend (1990)

Previewed 22-Apr

BSB was a UK satellite TV channel which, desperate to fill endless empty hours of schedules, presented a whole weekend of odd eps and interviews of old DW eps in Sept 1990.

The available files consist of lo res copies of numerous low key chat show style inteviews (no audience, slow and quiet).

There's no narrative flow to them apart from the occasional throw to another archival episode.

We're gonna give this a miss.

Link to Cumulative Rankings

Rankings Scoreboard

This was the schedule

Saturday 22 September 1990

    9:00am 31 Who
    9:15am An Unearthly Child; followed by 31 Who.
    11:15am The Daleks: Episodes 1-3 (On the trailers it was advertised as The Dead Planet.)
    12:35pm Doctor Who's Who's Who; followed by 31 Who.
    1:40pm The Daleks: Episodes 4-7; followed by 31 Who.
    3:30pm The Edge of Destruction;(These eps were shown in the wrong order, so it was repeated the following night in the correct order) followed by 31 Who.
    4:30pm The Yeti Rarities
        The Abominable Snowmen: Episode 2
        The Web of Fear: Episode 1
    5:30pm 31 Who
    6:00pm The Space Museum; followed by 31 Who.
    8:00pm The Keys of Marinus; followed by 31 Who.
    11:00pm The Aztecs; followed by 31 Who.
    1:00am Dr. Who and the Daleks

Sunday 23 September 1990

    9:00am 31 Who
    9:15am The War Games: Episodes 1-5
    11:30am Whose Doctor Who; followed by 31 Who.
    12:45pm The War Games: Episodes 6-10; followed by 31 Who.
    3:00pm The Dominators
    5:15pm 31 Who
    5:45pm The Mind Robber; followed by 31 Who.
    8:00pm The Three Doctors; followed by 31 Who.
    10:00pm Daleks' Invasion Earth 2150 A.D.
    11:30pm The Yeti Rarities
        The Abominable Snowmen: Episode 2
        The Web of Fear: Episode 1
    12:30am The Edge of Destruction

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