Tuesday, 21 April 2020

155 Survival

 Started 21-Apr

The last one....

Moody and based in a modern urban setting in a way that's new (for DW)

The show has regained a modicum of reliability (since series 24 certainly!). Also there is a less than subtle subversive anti Thatcher element in the attitude of the character Midge.

The cheetah people costumes are a little hard to take seriously but the presentation and performance almost sell it.

Interestingly this was filmed on location with a single camera shoot. Not necessarily a first but a prescient innovation that will become the norm (Spearhead from Space was done that way, maybe Silver Nemesis and Delta and the Bannermen also.)

ABM Rating 3.15/4.00
LJM Rating 3.14/5.00
SPJ Rating 6.25/10   

No. 85 (out of 158)

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