Thursday, 9 April 2020

152 Battlefield

 Started 9-Apr

We watched the feature length version on the new Blu Ray with new CGI effects and extra scenes.

Some sequences were noticeably low res.. especially the scenes with the helicopter.

This was much better then I remembered.

This new version is an improvement on the TV original.

Right to the last the DW Marathon 'watch in order' regime is still working its thing.

The inclusion of the extra dimensional space knights and the explosions and gunfights and pacey acion serve to make this a rollicking affair.

Good performances and some good dialogue from Jean, Nick, June Bland (last seen in Earthshock) and Ace's mate.

Syl and Sophie are on form for a change.

The little techno nods to the 1999 'future' (Walmsly's phone call in the pub springs to mind are now curiously anachronistic (like Blade Runner is now!!)

The start of a last sizzle in a dying fire starts here.

ABM Rating 2.50/4.00
LJM Rating 3.40/5.00
SPJ Rating 7.70/10   

No. 83 (out of 155)

Link to Cumulative Rankings

Rankings Scoreboard

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