Thursday, 23 April 2020

P.R.O.B.E. (1994 - 2015)

Previewed 22-Apr

We watched a trailer for The Zero Imperative on Youtube.

It's not very good.

The sadomasochism is a tad off the end zone IMHO.

Because it's really about non DW ideas this is not Doctor Who Marathon material

We're gonna give this a miss.

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The Zero Imperative (1994) 59m10s
The Devil of Winterborne (1995) 80m03s
Unnatural Selection (1996) 46m35s
Ghosts of Winterborne (1996) 40m47s
When to Die (2015) -

Thirty Years in the Tardis (1993)

Watched 23-Apr

There's two versions available.

Thirty Years in the TARDIS (1993) (48m40s)

More Than Thirty Years in the TARDIS (1995) (87m53s)

We sat through the shorter version.

It has some minor dramatic segments but its overall purpose is documentary.

The interviews have become extremely dull over the years.

Can this be ranked? No more than Whose Dr Who? (1977)

ABM Rating 3.30/4.00
LJM Rating 3.80/5.00
SPJ Rating 4.00/10   

Not ranked 

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Dimensions in Time (1993)

Watched 23-Apr

Do we have to?

This is very slight and confusing. It has no dramatic value and is not funny or nostalgic.

It is an unfortunate mistake. It deserves to be forgotten.

Can this be ranked?
No. What'd be the point?

ABM Rating 0/4.00
LJM Rating 0.2/5.00
SPJ Rating 0/10   

Not ranked

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The Airzone Solution (1993)

Previewed 22-Apr

Because it's really about non DW ideas and there are no recurring DW characters this is not Doctor Who Marathon material

Is it really Doctor Who? No

Can this be ranked? Course not.

We're gonna give this a miss.

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Resistance is Useless (1992)

Watched 22-Apr

This is a clips compile featuring a disembodied anorak dispensing 'factoids'.

This was made to introduce a series of BBC2 repeats in 1992.

The clips are well put together with a short, short. short, longer pattern which is quite attractive.

There is some use of out of date B&W Pertwee footage and poor quality 60's prints. Obviously no Tomb of the Cybermen or Galaxy Four clips due to the age of the show.

Can we rate it? No more than we can rate Whose Dr Who.

ABM Rating 2.00/4.00
LJM Rating 2.60/5.00
SPJ Rating 4.00/10   

Not ranked

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Wednesday, 22 April 2020

The Stranger (1991-95)

Previewed 22-Apr

Because it's really about non DW ideas and there are no recurring DW characters this is not Doctor Who Marathon material

We're gonna give this a miss.

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January 1991 Summoned by Shadows  34m55s Christian Darkin Colin Baker, Nicola Bryant and Michael Wisher
January 1992 More than a Messiah  43m36s Nigel Fairs Colin Baker, Nicola Bryant, Peter Miles and Sophie Aldred
January 1993 In Memory Alone  37m54s Nicholas Briggs Colin Baker, Nicola Bryant and Nicholas Briggs
January 1994 The Terror Game 46m51s Nicholas Briggs Colin Baker, Louise Jameson, David Troughton and Nicholas Briggs
December 1994 Breach of the Peace  45m32s  Nicholas Briggs Colin Baker, Caroline John, David Troughton and Nicholas Briggs
July 1995 Eye of the Beholder 84m07s Nicholas Briggs Colin Baker, David Troughton, Geoffrey Beevers and Nicholas Briggs

BSB DW Weekend (1990)

Previewed 22-Apr

BSB was a UK satellite TV channel which, desperate to fill endless empty hours of schedules, presented a whole weekend of odd eps and interviews of old DW eps in Sept 1990.

The available files consist of lo res copies of numerous low key chat show style inteviews (no audience, slow and quiet).

There's no narrative flow to them apart from the occasional throw to another archival episode.

We're gonna give this a miss.

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This was the schedule

Saturday 22 September 1990

    9:00am 31 Who
    9:15am An Unearthly Child; followed by 31 Who.
    11:15am The Daleks: Episodes 1-3 (On the trailers it was advertised as The Dead Planet.)
    12:35pm Doctor Who's Who's Who; followed by 31 Who.
    1:40pm The Daleks: Episodes 4-7; followed by 31 Who.
    3:30pm The Edge of Destruction;(These eps were shown in the wrong order, so it was repeated the following night in the correct order) followed by 31 Who.
    4:30pm The Yeti Rarities
        The Abominable Snowmen: Episode 2
        The Web of Fear: Episode 1
    5:30pm 31 Who
    6:00pm The Space Museum; followed by 31 Who.
    8:00pm The Keys of Marinus; followed by 31 Who.
    11:00pm The Aztecs; followed by 31 Who.
    1:00am Dr. Who and the Daleks

Sunday 23 September 1990

    9:00am 31 Who
    9:15am The War Games: Episodes 1-5
    11:30am Whose Doctor Who; followed by 31 Who.
    12:45pm The War Games: Episodes 6-10; followed by 31 Who.
    3:00pm The Dominators
    5:15pm 31 Who
    5:45pm The Mind Robber; followed by 31 Who.
    8:00pm The Three Doctors; followed by 31 Who.
    10:00pm Daleks' Invasion Earth 2150 A.D.
    11:30pm The Yeti Rarities
        The Abominable Snowmen: Episode 2
        The Web of Fear: Episode 1
    12:30am The Edge of Destruction

Search Out Space (1990)

Previewed 22-Apr

Found on the Survival DVD as an extra.

We watched the first few minutes and decided that it's a child focussed "sort of" game show featuring Sylvester as a guest presenter.

We're gonna give this a miss.

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Wartime (1987)

Previewed 22-Apr

We watched an 5 minute review clip on Youtube.

While there is (just one) recurring DW character because it's really about non DW ideas this is not Doctor Who Marathon material.

We're gonna give this a miss.

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Dr Who Who’s Who (1985)

 Previewed 22-Apr

1985 Dr Who Who's Who  349MB  53m34s

This is a chatty vox pop style social documentary by the (former) UStv station New Jersey Network (US PBStv).

It's ok but not really very enlightening or significant.

We're gonna give this a miss.

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Checklist - The Wilderness Years

With just no more classic stories to go it's time to think about what's next...

It's not just Dims in Time, The Movie, Scream of the Shalka then Rose ok?

This is a scrupulous effort and the final result is elusive. It seems everytime I look I find something else and have to make anotehr type of decision about whether it should be included. Current criteria are (about) it's a video (moving pictures not audio or text based), it includes some kind of DW element (character, topic, relationship). Various kinds of documentaries... retrospective, interview based etc are included.

This is the pruned list... (we might skip some of these if they turn out to be boring)
  • Resistance is Useless (BBC 1992) (24m20s)  
  • Dimensions in Time (BBC 1993) (12m to 22m) 
  • Thirty Years in the TARDIS (BBC 1993) (48m40s) / More Than Thirty Years in the TARDIS (1993) (87m53s) 
  • Shakedown: Return of the Sontarans (DWB 1994) (55m)
  • Downtime (1995) (Reeltime 68m)
  • TVM The Movie (BBC/Fox 85m) 
  • The Few Doctors (Dominotemporal Services 1998) (33m59s) 
  • The Missing Years (BBC 1998) (33m49s)
  • Adventures in Space and Time (BBC 1999) (40m17s) 
  • The Pitch of Fear (BBC 1999) (4m)
  • The Web of Caves (BBC 1999) (4m) 
  • The Kidnappers (BBC 1999) (4m)
  • The Curse of Fatal Death (BBC 1999) (4 x 5m) 
  • Shada (BBCi 2003) (p1-6) (6 x 25m)
  • The Scream of the Shalka (BBCi 2003) (p1-6) (6 x 15m)
  • The Story of Dr Who (BBC 2003) (59m15s)
 These have been rejected as too crappy, too boring or not actually DW-ey enough. Some of these are in an arbitrary "can't be bothered" category TBH.
  • Dr Who Who’s Who (NJN 1985) (53m34s) 
  • Wartime (1987) (Mythmakers 30m41s) 
  • The Making of Silver Nemesis (NJN 1988) (55m)
  • Search Out Space (BBC 1990) (20 min) 
  • BSB DW Weekend (BSB 1990) (98+76m)
    • The Stranger: Summoned by Shadows (BBV 1991) (34m55s)
    • The Stranger: More Than a Messiah (BBV 1992) (43m36s)
    • The Stranger: In Memory Alone (BBV 1993) (37m54s)
    • The Stranger: The Terror Game (BBV 1994) (46m51s)
    • The Stranger: Breach of the Peace (BBV 1994) (45m32s)
    • The Stranger: Eye of the Beholder (BBV 1995) (84m07s)
  • The Airzone Solution (BBV 1993) (65m)
    • P.R.O.B.E. 1 The Zero Imperative (BBV 1994) (59m10s)
    • P.R.O.B.E. 2 The Devil of Winterborne (BBV 1995) (80m03s)
    • P.R.O.B.E. 3 Unnatural Selection (BBV 1996) (46m35s)
    • P.R.O.B.E. 4 Ghosts of Winterborne (BBV 1996) (40m47s) 
    • P.R.O.B.E. 5 When to Die (BBV 2015) (64m) * 
  • Bidding Adieu: A Video Diary (1996)  (52m)*
  • Destiny of the Doctors (BBC 1997) (15 min)  
  • Auton (BBV 1997) (57m)
  • Auton 2: Sentinel (BBV 1998) (57m)
  • Auton 3: Awakening (BBV 1999) (57m) 
  • Lust in Space (1998) (52m) (51m53s) 
  • Mindgame (1997) (67m)
  • Mindgame Trilogy (1999) (80m)
  • Cyberon (BBV 2000) (61m53s) 
  • Do You Have A License To Save This Planet? (2001) (29m37s) 
  • Death Comes to Time (BBCi 2001) (178m42s)
  • Real Time (BBCi 2002) (p1-6) (6 x 15m) 
  • The Doctors: 30 Years of Time Travel and Beyond (2002) (65m)
  • Daemos Rising (Reeltime 2004) (52m) * 
  • Zygon: When Being You Just Isn't Enough (BBV 2008) (57m52s)
  • White Witch of Devil's End (2017) (185m) *
  • Sil and the Devil Seeds of Arodor (2019) (150m) *

These extras are defintiely not Wilderness Years category (but will be considered at some later date):
  • K9 (2009) (26 x 25m)
  • Devious (2009) (12m)
  • The Sarah Jane Adventures (2006-2011) (1 x 60m, 52 x 25m, 1 x 13m (19-Apr-2020) )
  • Torchwood (2006-2011) (41 x 45m)
  • An Adventure in Space and Time (2013) (~90m)
  • Class (2016) (8 x 45m)

* indicates no tape available as of 20 April 2020

Here's another checklist

The Classic Results

The classic series marathon was completed on 21 April 2020 which was 722 days to watch 695 episodes. (About 0.96 eps per day which is pretty good going...)

Here's a table of this blog's average series ratings.

  Series         Year          Avg. Rating   
1 1963/64 58.2%
2 1964/65 64.8%
3 1965/66 54.1%
4 1966/67 67.2%
5 1967/68 69.2%
6 1968/69 60.3%
7 1970 77.4%
8 1971 72.3%
9 1972 72.1%
10 1973 72.2%
11 1974 72.6%
12 1974/75 76.0%
13 1975/76 83.5%
14 1976/77 84.8%
15 1977/78 57.4%
16 1978/79 72.5%
17 1979/80 48.8%
18   1980/81   75.3%
19 1982 66.9%
20 1983 66.7%
21 1984 60.0%
22 1985 39.3%
23 1986 46.0%
24 1987 36.5%
25 1988 49.4%
26 1989 69.2%

What does this reveal?

The first series was actually kind of dodgy. 
In fact the 60's was kinda inconsistent overall. (If the archive were complete I think it might be better regarded.)

The best series is 14 but the best Doctor is 3. (4 would win if s15 and s17 were disregarded.)

Take out s3, s15 and s17 and there's 14 series of pretty good DW up to 1980.

After JNT's first series (18) the quality fell off a cliff. Except for series 26 (and maybe 19 and 20.) In the 80's DW sucked in 4 series following the 1985 'hiatus'. Series 21 is a kind of draw.

The worst series is 24. The worst Doctor is 6.

Our Top 5 serials are
1    4C The Ark in Space              95.5%
2    6R The Caves of Androzani   95.1%
3    4G The Pyramids of Mars      94.3%
4    2Q The Web of Fear               93.6%
5    3Z  Planet of the Spiders        93.1%

Our Bottom 5 serials are:
154    6L Warriors of the Deep        22.8%
155    6Y Timelash                          14.6%
156    7K Silver Nemesis                 12.6%
157    6S The Twin Dilemma            6.8%
158    7F Delta and the Bannermen   4.4%

Our 10 percentile ratings distribute as follows:

  Serial Rating    Category          Frequency
90% +

80% - 90% classic! 30
70% - 80% 1st division 33
60% - 70% 2nd division 15
50% - 60%
3rd division
40% - 50%  trouble 17
30% - 40% clanger!! 8
20% - 30%
10% - 20%
0 - 10%

The middle of the list is rank 79 The Tenth Planet 70.0% and rank 80 the Monster of Peladon 69.9%.

Tuesday, 21 April 2020

155 Survival

 Started 21-Apr

The last one....

Moody and based in a modern urban setting in a way that's new (for DW)

The show has regained a modicum of reliability (since series 24 certainly!). Also there is a less than subtle subversive anti Thatcher element in the attitude of the character Midge.

The cheetah people costumes are a little hard to take seriously but the presentation and performance almost sell it.

Interestingly this was filmed on location with a single camera shoot. Not necessarily a first but a prescient innovation that will become the norm (Spearhead from Space was done that way, maybe Silver Nemesis and Delta and the Bannermen also.)

ABM Rating 3.15/4.00
LJM Rating 3.14/5.00
SPJ Rating 6.25/10   

No. 85 (out of 158)

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Friday, 17 April 2020

154 The Curse of Fenric

 Started 17-Apr

We watched the feature length re-edited special edition which has new 5.1 surround sound, and many new shots and some restructuring.

There are approximately 6 versions of this now out on various VHS, DVD and Bluray releases. This actually suggests that the production is messy and some versions must be either incomplete or imperfect. (Like Blade Runner I guess...)

The story is impressive but there is more than a few nods to old Norse mythology that has unfortunate Wagnerian associations and therefore Nazi connotations.

There is a sense of doom and tragedy in several characters and the climax is traumatic.

Personally the "mother you hate" stuff is difficult for me. But it is very effective.

ABM Rating 3.07/4.00
LJM Rating 3.96/5.00
SPJ Rating 7.90/10   

No. 51 (out of 157)

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Tuesday, 14 April 2020

153 Ghostlight

 Started 14-Apr

Young fan: Wait what was that? What does that mean?
Old Fan: It's Ghostlight. Don't ask...

We watched the enhanced/restored/extended version on the new BluRay set. All in one go...

It has several low res scenes with amusing blurred out timecode segments in the picture. New bits look interesting but don't necessarily add much to the story.

The story is studio bound. The action is non-existent. The drama is all talky-talky (unlike Battlefield).

The starting point for this is its reputation for extreme symbolism. Everything in it is some kind of representation of something else political, scientific or literary. There's obviously scientific method (Josiah and Control) v. dogmatic received knowledge (Light and Matthews). There's gender politics (Ace and Control v Gwendoline and Mrs Pitchard, consider how each of these characters relates and reacts to the 'order of the house'.). There's more about imperialism and classificationism and plenty of bookish gear. Hell, there's even a dig at the character of Doctor Who in Josiah Smith. (He's an empiricist "know it all" who regenerates and so can handle the light and the modern world as a result.)

Sylvester and Sophie are pretty good in this. It has more than some subtlety and sense. Ace is deliberately written WITHOUT asking the "what" and "why" questions which is progress. Since series 24 this is a major turnaround.

Audiences (I probably mean me) sometimes struggle to identify with the languid Scotty bum and the cheeky young delinquent/vandal girl more than some other DW crews (past and since) but they qualify as eccentric. And that is the main requirement.

Other actors and the cast are impressive. There are no dud performers. The cast is well chosen.

But is it an actual story?

Snell said this:
"The bigger problem with Light is that, c'mon--he cataloged ichthyosaurs AND Neanderthals (separated by some 90 million years), yet he doesn't understand/can't handle evolution?!? That's risible. The microbes would have been just as "evolving before his eyes" before he went to sleep. So the fact that the Doctor is able to "Kirk" him into destroying himself (could Light be a computer/android?) just feels, as is much of the story in my opinion, like a failure on the literal level in order to make a point on the allegorical level....Ghost Light may be the most brilliant, insightful "coded" critique of Britain/whatever, but if it neglects to do its job to actually tell a story, in my eyes its an ambitious failure."

The thought that I have about this is that genetic evolution is constantly in flux. If you consider each of the millions of biological species as some kind of component of the biosphere of course it changes constantly (and massively over time.)
But if you look at the natural history of life as a complex of holes in an ecosystem which are filled by differing versions of the same type of creature, moderated by climatic conditions. Tyrannosauruses in Cretaceous scrubland are replaced by lions and tigers in grassy savannahs as alpha predators for instance. Looked at this way the ecosystem is actually quite stable over a long period of time.

Coded allegory... needs very brilliant story telling or it ends up a confusing mess. On a late 80's DW 3 episode schedule/budget that is wa-a-ay too much to expect. This could turn into a very good novel or a series long story arc but having to wrap up in 3 eps means quite a lot of ideas are neglected.

That it prompts such thoughtful analysis is a major achievement. But at what cost to the popularity with the audience?

ABM Rating 2.30/4.00
LJM Rating 3.51/5.00
SPJ Rating 5.55/10   

No. 89 (out of 156)

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From Quickflix

This Dr Who has a reputation of being a bit dense and hard to follow. It's hard not to disagree. But there's a few points perhaps that should be considered. It's actually allegory about the conflict between what Lord Ernest Rutherford (a famous NZ physicist who discovered alpha particles) called "stamp collecting" and what real scientific knowledge actually means. Of course because it's Dr Who the consequences of "Light" failing to realise this fairly elementary difference means the end of the world (at least) and it's the Doctor's job to put a stop to it. This is obviously a rather high aimed, philosophical topic which is well over the heads of all but one in a million viewers but nonetheless is a valid, hard SF theme and needs to be recognised as such. As a piece of Dr Who, I think Ghostlight fails simply because the plot isn't presently quite clearly enough and hence the criticisms of Paul G. make some sense. At some point if you're into Dr Who, you're likely to try this simply because you will become a "complete-ist". When you do bear in mind that there might be some higher meaning to the dramatic goings on..... 


REVIEW: Here's how Ghost Light is opposing evolution and creationism. The personified Light is undoubtedly God/creationism, and is often off-handedly equated to Divinity. The light at the end of the tunnel. Redvers seeing its face and going mad. Nimrod's god, the Burning One. A literal reading of Genesis would make Earth an unchanging ecosystem, where all the plants and animals were made whole and have not since changed. The Reverend Matthews is its unknowing advocate, but even he is transformed by other forces in the house, regressed to an ape-like state as Josiah's joke. Josiah and Control, the two main denizens of the house, represent the forces of evolution, though they serve Light each in their own way. That isn't a contradiction. Light has been made prisoner, after all, and both Josiah and Control fear Light, perhaps out of guilt for their evolutionary sins. Though now that Josiah has taken on a new body, one that doesn't fear daylight and doesn't need dark glasses, that he as evolved into a Victorian gentleman, one who might better embrace Darwinism and reject dogma, it'll be worth seeing if Light has less influence over him.

Whether Light/God/Orthodoxy wants to admit it or not, they're living in a changing world. In the house, this manifests as dead bugs coming to life in drawers (and a "bluebottle" policeman too, his prodigious eating as much a symbol of all-consuming humanity pushing us "forward" as a joke about his having slept for two years). But the outside world, too, is changing. The Doctor's eco-message throw-away joke about the Amazon desert is just such a reminder. But it's not just a physical change, it's a social one as well. There's a very good reason to cast the male Josiah against a female Control. The role of women is changing. Ace and Gwendoline in boys' attire was the first shot across the bow, but female Control climbing out of the cellar demanding her "freeness" is outright war against the house's status quo, and so, against society. Ghost Light then becomes a condemnation of the innate fascism of any system that would seek to restrain social evolution in favor of a status quo, one which in this case, has favored one gender over another (and more, the inspector's various racist remarks speak to another flaw of the Empire). While Josiah's plan hasn't been made known yet, we do see him using a picture of Queen Victoria as target practice, the anomalous woman-on-top in this Man's World. And of course, at the center of things, Ace, a thoroughly modern woman who doesn't believe in gender roles.

All of which is theory and doesn't get at the story as a literal Doctor Who story. If I neglect that aspect of it, it's that Ghost Light is so thought-provoking, I can't help but turn the review into a bit of a literary essay. As a story, I like what it's doing too. I feel for Gwendoline's loss of identity, crying over her absent parents in her mother's presence it turns out (so don't tell me this isn't about gender politics, the women here aren't allowed to follow their true selves). McCoy is stellar as the Doctor, restrained, funny, and active. I love the small touches like Ace sleeping away the day, bringing her back to the spooky evening. Mad Redvers keeping himself prisoner though his bonds have already been loosed by the Doctor. And being sent to Java is an amazingly colorful metaphor for getting boxed. Great images.

Thursday, 9 April 2020

152 Battlefield

 Started 9-Apr

We watched the feature length version on the new Blu Ray with new CGI effects and extra scenes.

Some sequences were noticeably low res.. especially the scenes with the helicopter.

This was much better then I remembered.

This new version is an improvement on the TV original.

Right to the last the DW Marathon 'watch in order' regime is still working its thing.

The inclusion of the extra dimensional space knights and the explosions and gunfights and pacey acion serve to make this a rollicking affair.

Good performances and some good dialogue from Jean, Nick, June Bland (last seen in Earthshock) and Ace's mate.

Syl and Sophie are on form for a change.

The little techno nods to the 1999 'future' (Walmsly's phone call in the pub springs to mind are now curiously anachronistic (like Blade Runner is now!!)

The start of a last sizzle in a dying fire starts here.

ABM Rating 2.50/4.00
LJM Rating 3.40/5.00
SPJ Rating 7.70/10   

No. 83 (out of 155)

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Monday, 6 April 2020

151 The Greatest Show in the Galaxy

 Started 6-Apr

The first ep is quite good but it goes downhill after that.

ABM Rating 2.20/4.00
LJM Rating 3.40/5.00
SPJ Rating 5.60/10   

No. 91 (out of 154)

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Wednesday, 1 April 2020

150 Silver Nemesis

 Started 1-Apr

Stupid plot, lazy useless direction, effects ok, acting unbelievable.

Sylvester on drugs. Sophie on holiday. Cybs acting like twits. Lady Pein in-the-arse and her good mate Dick come across as wanking poseurs.

The story is a carbon copy of Remembrance of the Daleks but it has none of the excitement. This comes across as kindergarten level sophistication with vastly misplaced pretend symbolism.

I think this might be the last truly horrible DW serial.

ABM Rating 0.45/4.00
LJM Rating 1.15/5.00
SPJ Rating 0.35/10   

No. 151 (out of 153)

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