Friday, 27 March 2020

149 The Happiness Patrol

 Started 27-Mar

Ace is hardly in it.

What's on screen is a mixture of outrageous costuming... not just the Kandyman but the Q guard girls' pink high heels, some kind of political fairytale (which seems mostly misobserved) and personal betrayals (Helen A's hubbie and Susie Q v (the other one), the insurrectionist Pipe People, the rebellion within the Q guards (but don't they take their time to do anything?!?!)

The story seems mixed up too. It has no cohesion. The Kandyman has no actual narrative function. It's not part of the story.

Direction is very Chris Clough.

Sets are good for TV but the Kandy kitchen looks very "kids' tv".

Competent enough but neither spectacular or a disaster. It has pretentions to be agit prop or Brechtian antifa drama but this is undermined by Play School production values.

ABM Rating 2.15/4.00
LJM Rating 3.00/5.00
SPJ Rating 2.80/10   

No. 116 (out of 152)

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