Friday, 14 February 2020

137 Attack of the Cybermen

 Started 14-Feb

The Eric Saward formula is rip off something and add a bunch of set pieces.

They don't even have to make sense.

The police scene with the beating up, Peri's gun toting and the handcuffs and the keys is just boring apart from a) hard to believe and b) morally terrible.

The Halley's comet stuff is wrong... and stupid.

The plot's a mess. The direction's alright. The incidental music is there but it's dull. The Cybermen are lookin scrappy... the suits fit less and less well. The acting is variable. The effects and modelwork is ok. The Cryons are terrible.

The violence is ick factor, worse it's boring. The characters and dialogue are good in patches and cringey in others but there's nothing which amounts to a style or story or meaningful plot.

Colin's shouty and all over the place. Nicola's screamy and clacky shoes.

This is awful.

ABM Rating 1.25/4.00
LJM Rating 2.60/5.00
SPJ Rating 3.00/10   

No. 121 (out of 137)

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