Sunday, 27 October 2019

110 Meglos

 Started 27-Oct

Ep1 has a weird structure. Doctor and Romana are stuck in the TARDIS for the whole episode. There are 2 other scenes: on Tigella and on Zolfa Thura. Both scenes refer to the Doctor however briefly but it feels like 3 separate stories.

Short episodes.... always a sign things aren't going well.

"Part One"    24:43 
"Part Two"    21:24
"Part Three"    21:19
"Part Four"    19:30

The plot is thin. Meglos disguises himself as the Doctor so as to steal the Dodecahedron from Tigella who either need it or (by the end of the story) clearly do not. Meglos wants to use the Dodecahdron to rule the universe... ho hum... no monsters, no

Tom gives a good performance as the conflicted Meglos/Doctor/Earth Guy hybrid. Lalla is decorative and functional but hardly outstanding. Edward Underdown as Zastor is solid, Crawford Logan as Deedrix is a little embarrassing, Jacqueline Hill as Lexa makes the best of some really crappy dialogue and has a needless and out of place death scene which is badly directed and gratuitous.
His Honour Justice Bullingham as Grugger is giving the full panto bit. Frederick Treves as Brotodac gives the sort of dumbass performance that makes me wonder why he had the reputation he had. The other Gaztaks don't speak. Only other speaking part is Colette Gleeson as Caris. It's not a memorable performance.

The basic continuity is shockingly bad. The number of Gaztaks who take off from Tigella and teh number who land on Zolfa Thura after that in p4 has to be seen to be believed.

This is boring, lazy crap with a shit-thin story. It's production is cheap and thoughtless. The Scene Sync stuff is impressive but seems kinda wasted.

ABM Rating 2.02/4.00
LJM Rating 2.61/5.00
SPJ Rating 3.30/10   

No. 93 (out of 110)

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