Tuesday, 22 October 2019

109 The Leisure Hive

 Started 22-Oct

Right from p1 this is a revolution. Direction is deliberately serious. Actors are playing it serious, there are numerous long languid effects scenes. The dialogue is severe, there are obvious "Chekov's Gun" shots of the helmet of Theron, lots of intense camera angles and composed shots. Also lots of close ups.

Three stories ago we were complaining of Creature From the Pit's static camera and stagey lineup of actors in a flat looking set.

The tremendous effort to make this look amazing is very very obvious. (Quite apart from the obvious changes to titles and music.)
The stories of three (count 'em!) studio sessions instead of the normal 2 and even then it wasn't enough are credible.

The plot is thin and scene continuity is strained. An example of the scene continuity is in p3 where the Doctor and Romana are confined using the neck monitors. Two scenes later the Argolins relent and they are removed. Why bother? What was the point?

There are lots of bits where there's an attempt to tell the story visually which fail the easy comprehension requirement.In p1 the Foamasi infiltrate the Hive by cutting a hole in the outer wall after attaching an external bladder. It's not helped by being filmed in a long and languid fashion (it goes on and on). It might make sense on paper but it looks, it seems too dense and hard to follow.

Despite the thin plot the last ep seems rushed with a bafflegab, hand waving, deux ex machina surprise ending.

In the end the impression is this is more style than substance. It is a major improvement over the Season 17 production disasters but a better story is needed. Luckily I think that is coming.

ABM Rating 3.12/4.00
LJM Rating 3.72/5.00
SPJ Rating 6.35/10   

No. 54 (out of 110)

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