Sunday, 29 July 2018

022 The Massacre

Started 29-Jul-2018

We watched a CGI 'Sims' style animation of ep1-3 and a LC recon of ep4

This is political/religious intrigue involving virtually unknown historical characters and virtually uninspiring invented ones played out by actors in silly wigs and cod 16th century costumes. The plot is proddies vs the mics and it ends in inevitable mass slaughter.

If you care about French history in the 1500's then wa-hey. If you don't then this must seem pretty boring. I wish more had been made of the Doctor's meeting with Preslin.
The Who Lore earthquake in ep4 is something that should be studied carefully by all DW fans. It is so unfortunate that this bit is missing from the archive. It's close to Hartnell's best moments as the Doctor.

For some reason The Gunfighters is often cited as the catalyst of UK ratings crisis that beset the later half of Series 3 in 1966. The FACTS say that The Massacre dropped from 8 mill in the opening episode then 6.0, 5.9 and 5.8. (The Ark climbed back to 7's, Toymaker was 7's and 8's, and Gunfighters 6's, followed by the summer eps in the 4's and 5's)

ABM Rating 2.75/4.00 
LJM Rating 2.90/5.00
 SPJ Rating 5.00/10.00  

No. 16 (out of 22)

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1 comment:

  1. Trying and failing to recapture The Reign of Terror. Plus Steven is no Ian. The actions of the doctor are again questionable and he ends up realising the effect of that at the end of the story. 5
