Started 4-Jul-2018
If this were a one parter (or even a 2 parter) it would be so much better. It just runs out of steam in part 2 and 'foofs' along till the end of 4.
The effects load in ep 1 is immense for 1965 technology. There's the live video inlay of the exhibits that Vicki's hand passes through and the footprints that appear and the unsmashing glass of water.
The Xerons and Moroks are overacted and the rebels versus the standard overlords plot was probably banal even then.
Richard Shaw is unconvincing as 'Governor' Lobos. The dialogue he has to deliver is execrable. The microphone he uses for his communicator is the same as used in the city of Millennius (The Keys of Marinus)!!!!
Peter Craze and Jeremy Bulloch put in two fairly lame efforts as leading Xerons also.
Jeremy Bulloch (Boba Fett in the Empire Strikes Back) and Peter Diamond (stunt guy in every James Bond, Batman, Star Wars, Indiana Jones, list is as long as your street) makes this cast notable at least.
There's no likeable or relatable characters in this. I think that at least contributes to the dullness.
I guess the "truth chair" sequence in part 2 is funny.
ABM Rating 2.00/4.00
LJM Rating 1.00/5.00
SPJ Rating 5.00/10.00
Peak Ranking No. 14 (out of 15)
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