Tuesday, 28 January 2020

130 Warriors of the Deep

Started 28-Jan-2020

A new low...

Consider the plot for a moment. An isolated seabase in the year 2084 is the bulwark of a nuclear missile defence (honestly, what's wrong with submarines?), whose operation depends on the faculties of a modified human sync operator. The original guy has become unavailable due to some injury (not depicted in the story). His replacement is breaking down under stress while some enemy agents try to sabotage the base. So far, so cliched.

Meanwhile some Silurians troll by a nearby undersea cave to awaken some Sea Devils who then proceed with some vague plan (and they take take 3 whole episodes to do this) to assault the base, break in and try to take over the place to fire the missiles using their own 'technology'. ie. the plot of the first half of ep 7 of the Silurians spread out over  4 eps.

The end of p2 is just silly. (a cardboard door, a pantomime sea monster and guards who pretend to die like 7yo boys...)

Add the absolute disaster that is the Myrka (costume, performance, filming, concept), some of the most excreable dialogue ever filmed and players who fail to act convincingly and some very confused ideas about "biohazardous" hexachromite, drowning, the game show lighting and the silly fight scenes and you get a near complete disaster.

According to the making of doco that hot mess was rushed into studio quickly without sufficient time for rehearsal, effects work and costume building or proper script development.

This is a shower of brown, sticky crap.

The sets are quite good to look at... This is 1983/84 so the threat of nuclear war was well known and understood by the audience. The threat is much less front of mind in 2020.

ABM Rating 0.74/4.00
LJM Rating 1.80/5.00
SPJ Rating 1.40/10   

No. 130 (out of 130)

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