Sunday, 19 January 2020

125 Mawdryn Undead

Started 19-Jan

This surprised us. Some were expecting another 4 eps of crap and were happily surprised by the pace , intensity and characterisation.

We yummed up all 4 eps in one go without planning to.

Key to the action is a stunning debut by new actor Mark Strickson. As Peter Davison wryly observes in his DVD extra... "he knows how to find the
lens"... meaning he has an awareness of how to perform to the camera.

It is a surprise to learn that in the 38 years since this was made Mark has not yet appeared in any proper films...

Equally significantly this is neither a base under siege nor another alien invasion.

Mawdryn Undead has a clear plot with a good, original (for DW anyway) idea.

It is  a story about a group of aliens with an odd ambition... (the desire for self destruction following an accident with a metamorphic symbiosis regenerator (oh yes, one of those)), all mixed in with a spaceship orbiting in time as well as space and involving the return of a old time character with a MAJOR bout of forgetfulness.

Definitely Peter Moffat's best effort on DW. State of Decay is a close second. (Visitation, 5 Docs, Twin D, and 2 Docs are his others.) Also Peter Grimwade's best work on the show.

Top 5 from the 80's (just). (Warriors', Caves, Kinda just shade it...)

ABM Rating 3.70/4.00
LJM Rating 4.15/5.00
SPJ Rating 9.30/10   

No. 17 (out of 125)

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