Tuesday, 26 February 2019

067 Frontier in Space

Started 26-Feb

Well that has not aged well.

Ostensibly (and as claimed by Barry and Terrance) this is 'about' the Cold War and the politics of detente.

But it is actually a pretty crappy runaround.

The capturing and locking up rate is at hypercritical. The costuming is good work on a poor budget.
The lighting and set design is adequate.

The politics is out of date and the concerns are a mixture of WW2 and Cold War fears. The plot is almost made up on the spot and the story is unsatisfying and at times unclear.

The space travel physics are just naive. There is obviously no relativistic mechanics visible but surely it takes more than a few hours or days to travel from Earth to Draconia. In ep 4 & 5 this is achieved in maybe a day? Very sloppy writing.

Characters are dull or barely credible at best. The President, General Wiliams, the various Draconians, the Ogrons, the Master. All under par. The Master is almost comical in this.

So what is this really?

This may have been familiar political allegory back in 1973. There is a horrible rumour that it's a rip off of James Bond in You Only Live Twice (1967).

This is ageing badly.

ABM Rating 2.30/4.00
LJM Rating 1.75/5.00
SPJ Rating 4.35/10   

No. 55 (out of 67)

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