Tuesday, 19 June 2018

012 The Romans

Started 19-Jun

A harmless jink about. Supposedly a comic approach to the 'glory that was Rome'. But I'm not getting it really.

Barry Jackson in an early role, doesn't have much to say.
Derek Francis as Nero... seems a bit old.
The Tavius' secret Christian thing is unfortunate... and apparently the cross is wrong. If it's 1st century A.D. he should have an icthus (a fish symbol).

The tables and chairs are a bit of a mistake.

The fridge joke is almost vaudeville.

All said there's not much to write about.

ABM Rating 2.50/4.00
LJM Rating 3.75/5.00
SPJ Rating 7.00/10.00 

Peak Ranking No. 5 (out of 12)

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1 comment:

  1. From Quickflix
    A DW historical set in Roman Europe in the first century AD. This one would be an out and out comedy (Carry On's Derek Francis as Emporer Nero!) if it weren't for the slavery, the torture, the brutality of the gladiator's lives and the burning of Rome.
