Friday, 15 June 2018

011 The Powerful Enemy

AKA The Rescue

Started Th 14- Jun

Maureen O'Brien is a *much* better actor than dear old Carol Ann. It's this marathon, watch 'em in order exercise that makes this look rather obvious in a way I hadn't noticed before. All that's needed is to write her lines a bit better...

The Rescue is a funny little nothing story that fills a gap. The Sand Beast is a Mire beast in a Slyther costume. (I mean the concept is getting familiar.)

There's some notable model work. A very way-out Didonian costume. And about half an episode of plot.

This is promising. But that's all. What this has is confidence. 
This is the first produced story in the new production block. The team is back after a short break after a year long run.
The ratings are up, the show's just been sold overseas (Canada, Australia, New Zealand), the Television centre studio is much less depressing,  we've just gone past 50 episodes, Bill's on the front cover of the Doctor Who Annual that was just in the shops for Xmas, and the cast is working well.

It's London 1965 and the vibe is very up. It shows.

ABM Rating 2.75/4.00
LJM Rating 3.00/5.00
SPJ Rating 5.00/10.00 

Peak Ranking No. 8 (out of 11)

Link to Cumulative Rankings

Link to
Rankings Scoreboard

1 comment:

  1. From Quickflix
    This is DW's first 'reboot'. The original team is broken up and the **new companion** (space kid Vicki !!) makes her first appearance. This is a part of the DW story that is much more familiar to us in 2012 but this is the first time.... This a relatively short story at just 2 eps. It features Aussie movie star Ray Barrett in a guest role.
