Sunday, 2 August 2020

182 Daleks in Manhattan/Evolution of the Daleks

 Watched 2/8 on Blurays

This episode has the most exciting preview reel on the end of the previosu reel. 

The first part is pretty damn good. Dramatic backdrop, conflict between Mr Big and the construction workers, scary unde rthe theatre in the sewers monster stuff with the Pig Men.

In the second ep it falls apart like a bicycle made of licorice. Mainly because the plot hangs on some very poor misunderstanding of genetics and mutation and is resolved by some absolutely ludicrous crap about solar flare/lightning and Time Lord DNA (or something). The only way Mr Big could merge with a Dalek and become a 'hybrid' is if he 'bred" (hatched actual children somehow) with the Dalek (vomit...) It goes downhill, concept-wise, from there.

The production design is amazing. The location work is thrilling and they get away with some cheap cutaway shots (apparently taken on a scam weekend 'holiday' to New York taken by Phil Collinson, I think). Miranda Raison is v. good as the Showgirl Tallulah (Three l's and an h.)

But the story is pants.


ABM Rating 2.80,1.80/4.00
LJM Rating 2.99,2.30/5.00
SPJ Rating 6.50,4.20/10   

No. 115 (out of 191) and 159 (out of 192)

Link to Cumulative Rankings

Rankings Scoreboard

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