Friday, 28 August 2020

188 Voyage of the Damned

 Watched 28-Aug on Bluray


ABM Rating 3.00
LJM Rating 3.00
SPJ Rating 6.93  

No. 117 (out of 201)

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From Quickflix

Well this is another Xmas episode, so try to remember that as the plotholes and the cliches sail majestically before your eyes. David T is effortlessly good as the Doctor now roaring confidently into his third year in the role. Kylie is actually a bit wooden but anyone who actually seen her in a movie before will probably be expecting this. Some of the characters are fun, some a excruitiating. The moment when some unidentified occupant of Buckingham Palace sticks her head out of the window and waves at the retreating Starship Titanic with a pythonesque silly laugh is likely to interfere with your dramatic tension buildup (or something). All in all a jolly harmless little romp through what Russell T thinks Xmas is all about, but not to be taken too seriously even by the fans. On the other hand by the time Season 4 climaxes, you'd better have been paying attention or else you might miss something....... ;-)

Friday, 21 August 2020

188 The Sound of Drums / Last of the Time Lords

 Watched 21-Aug on Bluray on the big screen

Another example of an RTD 'special': telling the story by clips of fictional TV news and making up plenty of ahistorical politics and politicians. This is obviously a personal trait of RTD as a writer: I'll cite Years and Years (2017) as another example of it which is quite apart from any DW example.

There are some cameo clips of real politicians which makes it dated and confusing. (That awful Tory who turned Brexit.. frumpy humourless old bat.. I've forgotten her name, thankfully...)

Apart from that there's an effective atmosphere of modern snoopy security state generated and some weirdness.

The fictional US President is looking a little dated in 2020 mainly because the current one makes him look too ordinary too normal. Weird that he drives around in a Land Rover too...

John Simm as the Master is intense and mad. At the time it was new and sparkled. Previous Masters were vaudeviliean and moustache twirling (kinda conventional). The new Master is an out of control madman. 

MASTER: (muffled) It's a gas mask.
DUMFRIES: I beg your pardon?
MASTER: It's a gas mask.
DUMFRIES: Yes, but, er, why are you wearing it?
MASTER: (muffled) Well, because of the gas.
DUMFRIES: I'm sorry?
MASTER: Because of the gas.
DUMFRIES: What gas?
MASTER: (muffled) This gas.
(The conference telephone sets pop up and squirt gas at the Cabinet and officials.)
DUMFRIES: You're insane!
(The Master gives the thumbs up sign as Dumfries and the rest of his colleagues die, then starts tapping out that famous rhythm on the table.)

In the second ep the story goes to the incredible end of the spectrum. (It is DW not a documentary...)

There are a few controversial moments. Lucy Saxon is shown as suffering some form of relationship abuse (strong stuff for a kid's show) but it a signal that the Master is a "baddie" character. I think a question remains about whether it's exploitive. The details are suppressed: we never see what happened or how or why. We're presented with hints. The denouement where she fires the gunshot that finishes him off is cathartic but there's lots of parts missing from the story

The Doctor as humanist christ figure powered by the power of positive thinking is a conceptual mistake in my view. The Ky of Solos like powers that the super aged 'Dobbie Doctor' suddenly acquires and uses to vanquish the Toclafane and the Master is fantasy unfettered by actual Sci Fi sense. On paper it must have looked nuts. On screen it looks contrived. 

I long for a dream sequence explanation. But there isn't one. Ep loses half a point from me for this. 

Great stuff to watch but ultimately there are some 'headscratcher' elements.

ABM Rating 3.20,3.15/4.00
LJM Rating 4.60,4.59/5.00
SPJ Rating 9.20,9.10/10   

No. 38 (out of 199), 45 (out of 200)

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Monday, 17 August 2020

187 Utopia

 Watched 17-Aug on Bluray

Utopia is exciting and tense and builds up to amazing climax.

I Claudius star Derek J is amazing as the bumbly old idiot Professor Yana and the turn at the end where he murders his assistant Chan to and becomes the Master is legendary. 

This is the archetypal 'rewards the long term viewer' sequence since the 'Yana' name and the purpose of the fobwatch are plot elements that probably would just sail right over the heads of a casual viewer. (I've never met any... )

This ep demands and supplies.


ABM Rating 3.45/4.00
LJM Rating 4.75/5.00
SPJ Rating 9.50/10   

No. 17 (out of 198)

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Sunday, 16 August 2020

TIQ The Infinite Quest

 Watched (sorta) 16-Aug off some xvid file

This is pretty boring, unengaging and had to follow.

This is a curiosity and we debated the idea that it isn't canon. Unfortunately it probably is.

Here's an independent review: At least they seem to have watched it carefully....

ABM Rating 1.25/4.00
LJM Rating 1.25/5.00
SPJ Rating 2.50/10   

Not ranked

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Saturday, 15 August 2020

186 Blink

 Watched 15-Aug off a networked xvid file of the original BBC broadcast.

This is it. This is the pinnacle of DW.

This first new number 1 ranked story in 32 years.

Weirdly it is meant to be a bottle episode i.e. one where the regular cast are minimised to free them up for leave or work on other eps. 

It becomes a showcase for the very cute and highly talented Carey Mulligan (21 yo at the time of production) who has since become a famous international film star. Sally Sparrow is smart and sassy. She's not ambitious or mean or slow and dopey. She's great. One odd question I have is I wonder who she is and what her job/purpose actually is? It's revealing of how good the character is that the answer to that question just invites delicious speculation.

If anyone ever tells me that a female Doctor can't work then Blink is a fairly devastating argument against that nonsense.

Odd thing I noticed on this rewatch about Blink is how different to normal the incidental music is. Typically DW incidental music of this period time was loud, stirring chords and fast, triumphant crescendoes. In this the music's lonely oboe, slow and mournful punctuated by throbbing power chords. It's not a bad move.

The direction is bloody good too. In most revews of Blink it doesn't get enough praise.  Hettie MacDonald provides plenty of thoughtful and poignant storytelling sequences. I'll cite the death scene of Billy. He asks about the rain, Sally says it's the same rain, there's a cross fade to a hospital room with an empty bed and Sally strides on to the next scene in a purposeful way. That's a death scene without a hammy death and the sound of your mind being stimulated.... Hettie will be back for The Magician's Apprentice (2015)

In typical Steven Moffat style the story centres on clues hiding in plain sight (what links the 17 DVD's?) , inventive delivery of narrative dialogue (the Doctor's speech on the DVD extras is presented as a mysterious monologue ("it's as if he's having half a conversation") and later it just clicks together with Sally Sparrow in Wester Drumlins seemingly for no reason and Robert Holmes style world building with throwaway lines (try this.)

SALLY: My God, it's you. It really is you. Oh, you don't remember me, do you?
(Martha is carrying a quiver of arrows, and the Doctor has a long bow.)
MARTHA: Doctor, we haven't have time for this. The migration's started.
DOCTOR: Look, sorry, I've got a bit of a complex life. Things don't always happen to me in quite the right order.

Unlke the heavy Human Nature layered symbolism this is merely intricate and has terrifying new, high concept monsters (Angels)

Winner of the third in a row annual Hugo Short Form Dramatic presentation for Doctor Who. Stemo scored BAFTAS, Carey won a Constellation award (Canadian) for Best Performance. 

The very best episodes of DW are often not series finales or regenerations or Daleks,Daleks,Daleks. They're often seemingly run of the mill mid series "bottles".

This one is near to perfect. What ever could possibly beat this?

ABM Rating 3.92/4.00
LJM Rating 4.79/5.00
SPJ Rating 9.98/10   

No. 1 (out of 197)

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Friday, 14 August 2020

185 Human Nature/The Family of Blood

 Watched 14-Aug on Bluray on the big screen.

This is extraordinary.

And it is brutal.

This line of dialogue near the end of p2 sums it up.

JOAN: Answer me this. Just one question, that's all. If the Doctor had never visited us, if he'd never chosen this place on a whim, would anybody here have died? (no answer) You can go.
(The Doctor leaves. Joan clutches the journal to her bosom and cries.) 

Apart from the story and the performances and the direction this story amounts to a surgical deconstruction of the concepts of Doctor Who stories. That is literary levels of layered meaning. 

Whether we choose to agree or not this sets the character of the Doctor as amoral and reckless. We get to see the show in a new way (well new to DW on TV.) I guess that some modern novels address this concept at least to some degree.

The bit is where the Doctor as the Doctor pretends to be John Smith to the alien Family and slyly sets off their feedback compensators.


BAINES: We'll blast them into dust, then fuse the dust into glass, then shatter them all over again.
(The spaceship door opens to admit -)
(A boom rocks the ship, and he lurches against a column of switches.) 
DOCTOR: Just stop the bombardment. That's all I'm asking. I'll do anything you want, just, just stop.
BAINES: Say please.
DOCTOR: Please.
(Jenny activates a control.)
JENNY: Wait a minute. (sniff) Still human.
DOCTOR: Now I can't, I can't pretend to understand, not for a second, but I want you to know I'm innocent in all this. He made me John Smith. It's not like I had any control over it.
(He runs his hands over more switches.)
JENNY: He didn't just make himself human. He made himself an idiot.
BAINES: Same thing, isn't it?
DOCTOR: I don't care about this Doctor and your family. I just want you to go. So I've made my choice. You can have him. Just take it, please! Take him away.
(The Doctor holds out the watch.)
BAINES: At last.
(Baines takes the watch with one hand, and the Doctor's lapels by the other.)
BAINES: Don't think that saved your life.
(He pushes the Doctor away. More switches get activated as the Doctor falls against the wall.)
BAINES: Family of Mine, now we shall have the lives of a Time Lord.
(Baines opens the watch and they all sniff deeply.)
BAINES: It's empty!
DOCTOR: Where's it gone?
BAINES: You tell me.
(Baines throws the watch to the Doctor, who catches it without looking.)
DOCTOR: Oh, I think the explanation might be you've been fooled by a simple olfactory misdirection. Little bit like ventriloquism of the nose. It's an elementary trick in certain parts of the galaxy. But it has got to be said, I don't like the looks of that hydroconometer. It seems to be indicating you've got energy feedback all the way through the retrostabilisers feeding back into the primary heat converters. Oh. Because if there's one thing you shouldn't have done, you shouldn't have let me press all those buttons. But, in fairness, I will give you one word of advice. Run.
(The Doctor runs out of the ship as alarms start to sound.)
BAINES: Get out! Get out!

 This is probably David Tennant's best moment in the show.
ABM Rating 3.72,3.73/4.00
LJM Rating 4.57,4.79/5.00
SPJ Rating 9.80,9.98/10   

No. 6 (out of 195), 6 (out of 196)

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Wednesday, 12 August 2020

Torchwood 113 End of Days

 Watched 12-Aug

This is a grab bag of tied up loose ends from bits of eps through series 1.

There's flashbacks to teh Cyberwoman and Gwen PC offsider and Weevils and Bilis Manger to keep fans satiated.

There's some conflict (and resolution) between Torchwood crew members which always is fun... (hmm).

I'm not excited by it.

ABM Rating 2.01/4.00
LJM Rating 3.69/5.00
SPJ Rating 6.80/10   

Not ranked

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Sunday, 9 August 2020

Torchwood 112 Captain Jack Harkness

 Watched 9-Aug

The plot summary reads: While investigating reports of ghostly music, Jack and Tosh find themselves stranded in a packed dance hall in 1941. As Gwen, Owen and Ianto work to rescue their colleagues, Jack and Tosh meet a handsome young American squadron leader by the name of Captain Jack Harkness.

That's fair enough (but spoiler alert) it turns gay from there.

It's fantasy. It's a tragedy. But it doesn't feel relatable (not to me anyway.)

ABM Rating 1.75/4.00
LJM Rating 3.80/5.00
SPJ Rating 6.20/10   

Not ranked

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Tuesday, 4 August 2020

184 42

Watched 4-Aug on Bluray

Visually impressive and somewhat reminscent (even a rip off?) of the Danny Bhoy flim "Sunshine" this somehow fails to be even vaguely interesting.

Michelle Collins off Eastenders seems to struggle.

It's not terrible, just boring.

ABM Rating 1.40/4.00
LJM Rating 1.30/5.00
SPJ Rating 6.70/10   

No. 165 (out of 194)

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Monday, 3 August 2020

183 The Lazarus Experiment

 Watched 3-Aug on Bluray

This depends for credibility and excitement on the quality of teh CGI of the monster. Sadly that is somewhat lacking.

The story is basically a rehash of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hide with less plot.

Gatiss revels in his chance to exploit several obvious horror movie tropes but the monster falls flat.

ABM Rating 2.70/4.00
LJM Rating 2.00/5.00
SPJ Rating 4.40/10   

No. 147 (out of 193)

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Sunday, 2 August 2020

182 Daleks in Manhattan/Evolution of the Daleks

 Watched 2/8 on Blurays

This episode has the most exciting preview reel on the end of the previosu reel. 

The first part is pretty damn good. Dramatic backdrop, conflict between Mr Big and the construction workers, scary unde rthe theatre in the sewers monster stuff with the Pig Men.

In the second ep it falls apart like a bicycle made of licorice. Mainly because the plot hangs on some very poor misunderstanding of genetics and mutation and is resolved by some absolutely ludicrous crap about solar flare/lightning and Time Lord DNA (or something). The only way Mr Big could merge with a Dalek and become a 'hybrid' is if he 'bred" (hatched actual children somehow) with the Dalek (vomit...) It goes downhill, concept-wise, from there.

The production design is amazing. The location work is thrilling and they get away with some cheap cutaway shots (apparently taken on a scam weekend 'holiday' to New York taken by Phil Collinson, I think). Miranda Raison is v. good as the Showgirl Tallulah (Three l's and an h.)

But the story is pants.


ABM Rating 2.80,1.80/4.00
LJM Rating 2.99,2.30/5.00
SPJ Rating 6.50,4.20/10   

No. 115 (out of 191) and 159 (out of 192)

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Saturday, 1 August 2020

181 Gridlock

Watched 1/8

A sequel that is so much better. Many characters in this are  reused from 201 New Earth.
The best bit is the confession scene at the end. Tennant is very Doctor Who in this.
DOCTOR: Doesn't matter. Back to the Tardis, off we go.
(Martha straightens up a chair and sits down, arms and legs crossed.)
DOCTOR: All right, are you staying?
MARTHA: Till you talk to me properly, yes. He said last of your kind. What does that mean?
DOCTOR: It really doesn't matter.
MARTHA: You don't talk. You never say. Why not?
CHOIR: (singing) Fast falls the eventide.
MARTHA: It's the city.
CHOIR: The darkness deepens
MARTHA: They're singing.
CHOIR: Lord, with me abide. When other helpers fail
DOCTOR: I lied to you, because I liked it. I could pretend. Just for a bit, I could imagine they were still alive, underneath a burnt orange sky. I'm not just a Time Lord. I'm the last of the Time Lords. The Face of Boe was wrong. There's no one else.
MARTHA: What happened?
CHOIR: Swift to its close ebbs out life's little day.
DOCTOR: There was a war. A Time War. The last Great Time War. My people fought a race called the Daleks, for the sake of all creation. And they lost. They lost. Everyone lost. They're all gone now. My family, my friends, even that sky. Oh, you should have seen it, that old planet. The second sun would rise in the south, and the mountains would shine. The leaves on the trees were silver, and when they caught the light every morning, it looked like a forest on fire. When the autumn came, the breeze would blow through the branches like a song.
CHOIR: The darkness deepens. Lord, with me abide. 

Underrated classic this.

ABM Rating 3.40/4.00
LJM Rating 3.45/5.00
SPJ Rating 9.45/10   

No. 27 (out of 190)

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