Tuesday, 30 June 2020

172 Rise of the Cybermen/The Age of Steel

Watched 30 Jun

This story is DT's first 2 parter and achieves an epic status.
 It succeeds as a high impact action thriller. The Cybs are impressive and the synchronised stomping is now obvious but was new at the time.

Some of the scenes might be just a little overwrought. I'm thinking of the confrontation between GB President Don and the house party invading Cybs late in p1, not to mention any of the Ricky/Mickey scenes.

But hey it's a ride. Sometimes the story does not need to be complicated..

Graeme Harper makes a bang with his return to DW. (He directed Revelation and Caves about a million years ago and was PA to some guy called Camfield working on Seeds, Invasion and others. Suffice to say he knows what he's doing alright.... and it shows.

Billie and Sean (as Rose and Pete) are tight and pull the strings. The Rose is a toy dog in the alternative reality is a great joke. The Cuba Gooding Junior reference is more and more obscure with each passing second decade.

This one has probably been played too many times in this house as it's getting hard to tell where the story starts and where it goes.

After a slightly bumpy start the 10th Doctor is starting to get good.

ABM Rating 3.20 & 3.30/4.00
LJM Rating 4.56 & 4.50/5.00
SPJ Rating 9.75 & 9.75/10

No. 22 (out of 178) and 21 (out of 179)

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