Saturday, 13 April 2019

077 The Sontaran Experiment

 Started 13-Apr

We watched the Blu Ray version with Info Text.

To me this has always seemed slight. It seems not so much a story as a small cutaway.

Probably this is because there's only two episodes. In recent years we've become used to shorter (45 minute) stories so it seems kind of modern (which is curious.)

Like the previous two parter it has an air of confidence. Tom Baker is settling nicely into his role (despite the location injury troubles). Liz Sladen is confident as the (now) cast veteran. (All of 14 months!!) Ian Marter as Harry has a charming ease to his performance. He could easily be a total joke or a hopeless buffoon but he has so far retained some credible dignity.

Kevin Lindsay is good again as the Sontaran. History shows that he died in April 1975 of the heart condition that ailed him during the shoot (in September 1974) some 6 weeks after broadcast (March 1975).

The Galsecs led by Donald Douglas as Vural are desperate and noisy. Their characters are sketchily and rapidly drawn (by necessity).

The story resolution is the problem with this....

The Doctor decides to engage the Sontaran in a fight.

Umm. Well, that's not really Doctor Who. Trick him with corrupting his experimental data, interrupt his comms with Sontaran military command, flatten his battery, make the terrulian drive robot turn against him, make the Sontaran fall down the hole (he won't be able to climb out, will he?)

No, a stupid hand to hand fight.

ABM Rating 3.10/4.00
LJM Rating 3.80/5.00
SPJ Rating 8.40/10   

No. 19 (out of 77)

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