Thursday, 20 December 2018

049 The Space Pirates

Started 20-Dec

We tried a cgi recon from (yes really). and gave up after about 3 minutes. Then we resorted to the LC recon.

This story is slo-o-ow.

The Doctor's company turns up at 14m52s into ep1 and their interactions are limited to the surrounds of Alpha 7 (A little space station) until the end of ep2. No other cast members appear with them. Apparently the regulars were filmed on separate days to the main cast and the clips inserted.

The story begins with pirates raiding a little space station. Then some wanky space police (Hermack, Warne and Penn) who faff about (uselessly) chasing these raids.

Intro'd in ep2 are Milo Clancey and then Madelaine Issigri.

Milo Clancey is clearly a tribute to/obvious ripoff of Gabby Hayes, noted Western character actor. Another way to describe this is 'Stinky Pete' off Toy Story 2 (1999)

The Issigri 'bum' hairstyle helmet is intriguing but not at all attractive.

Dudley Foster as Caven is consistent and menacing without being anything other than dull. Dom Issigri is possibly more annoying and incoherent than Milo Clancey.

The spaceship model work is of a high standard but seems too relaxed and graceful to add any excitement. The spaceship chasing and distances and time scales are either ignored or un-thought out.

The sets are limited to about 4 max per episode. As for location filming.... none, zip, nada, nothing.

The last episode is dire. The climax in particular seems soporific. Caven's ship is almost casually exploded by Space Corps action.

A big fault lies with the direction. In The Space Pirates direction seems too lackadaisical for a tight DW story. Actors are allowed to go wild without much thought. Jack May as Hermack and Donald Gee as Warne are particularly egregiously ill disciplined. They needed a note, mate! They were terrible.

The pace is slow and slower.. Michael Hart did not make a return to DW.

I get the feeling this is a 4 parter stretched out a lot.

Marathon progress notes
Marathon progress Space Pirates ep6 (243 episodes down) was watched on day 239 of the marathon.


Five Four Three One NONE recon eps to go....

Recons concluded 9.06pm 24-Dec-2018

Here's another way to experience recons...I found I needed this to follow The Space Pirates.
Transcripts link here

ABM Rating 2.00/4.00

LJM Rating 0.75/5.00

SPJ Rating 0.95/10

No. 48 (out of 49)

Link to Cumulative Rankings

Rankings Scoreboard

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