Tuesday, 15 May 2018

003 Beyond the Sun

Also known as The Edge of Destruction

A deliberate padding episode, curious for the initial ideas it reveals which are mostly forgotten now decades later. (But see Bad Wolf/The Parting of the Ways...)

 The silly flip ending (the 'fast return switch' getting stuck) seems ludicrous but surely that reflects the advances in expectations of everyday technology in the last 54 years.

ABM Rating 2.50/4.00
LJM Rating 1.00/5.00
SPJ Rating 7.00/10.00 

Peak Ranking No. 3 (out of 3)

Link to Cumulative Rankings

Link to Rankings Scoreboard


  1. When I was younger (like REALLY young) I thought this story was edgy, deep and cool- it went into my category of "it'll make sense when you are older"----kinda like what I thought of Silver Nemesis...

    1.8 out of 4

  2. From Quickflix
    This dvd contains the 2 part story calle dthe Edge of Destruction. it's a moody and mystifying tale of what goes wrong when the TARDIS itself goes wrong. Also included on this dvd is a 30 minute recreation using stills and original audio of the lost story 'Marco Polo'.
