Friday, 16 October 2020

195 Silence in the Library/Forest of the Dead

 Watched 16-Oct on Bluray


ABM Rating 3.93/3.93
LJM Rating 4.81/4.73
SPJ Rating 9.80/9.80

No. 2 (out of 209)
No. 3 (out of 210)

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194 The Unicorn and the Wasp

 Watched 16-Oct on Bluray


ABM Rating 3.05
LJM Rating 3.88
SPJ Rating 9.45

No. 64 (out of 208)

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Tuesday, 6 October 2020

193 The Doctor's Daughter

Watched 6-Oct on Bluray

The show grabs back Martha fo rthe third ep in a row and ADDS another feisty girl character. Lucky they're all so watchable.

The Hoth and General Cobb are a bit melodramatic but the whole story is a neat contained odd little SF tale that is quietly satisfying really.

ABM Rating 3.00
LJM Rating 4.33
SPJ Rating 8.00  

No. 72 (out of 207)

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Friday, 2 October 2020

192 The Sontaran Stratagem/The Poison Sky

Watched 2-Oct on Bluray big screen


This one is a bit boring to me.

It's a alien invasion conspiracy which draws elements from various previous DW stories. 

  • The Atmos device is a IE "micro monolithic circuit".
  • The taking over the UNIT soldiers is Claws of Axos.
  • The replication of characters is Spearhead from Space or Terror of the Zygons, 
  • Barney (what was his name?) the human dupe of the invading Sontarans is Guy Crayford (and so is his ultimate scarifice to 'save' the day).
  • "Our weapons have no effect" is every UNIT story ever...

 All this makes it kinda boring.

The best bits are when Donna is sneaking around the Sontaran spaceship and bopping Sontarans on the probic vent (just).

ABM Rating 2.50, 2.50
LJM Rating 3.46, 3.40
SPJ Rating 7.20. 7.60

No. 122 (out of 205), 119 (out of 206)

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